A soft liner is a layer of soft, pliable material that is fitted between the surface of a denture and your oral tissues. It absorbs shock between the hard base of your denture and your gums. Soft liners can be used when creating new dentures or retrofitted into existing dentures.
Permanent soft liners provide comfort and relief for individuals with receded and flattened gum tissues that don’t respond well to the stress of dentures. They may also be a suitable solution for patients with chronically sore gum tissues or gums with sharp bony areas.
Advantages of Soft Denture Liners
- More comfortable to use
- Virtually all patients respond well to soft liner materials
- Easier chewing
- A proven technology with over 20 years of innovation
Soft liners require regular follow-up visits with Dr. Michelakis to examine the fit of dentures and general oral health.
- Only your dental professional is qualified to diagnose your oral health and adjust your denture or partial.
- Dentures should be brushed inside and outside daily with a soft, large nylon denture tooth brush with round-ended bristles.
- Use denture creams instead of toothpastes, which are too abrasive and will scratch your denture. Rinse with cold water.
- Dentures warp if placed in hot water.
- Inspect your denture regularly for worn teeth.
- Worn and stained dentures can make you look older and cause your dentures to function poorly.
- Discuss all your current medications with your doctor and dental professional.
- Be sure to visit your dental professional regularly.
- Have loose dentures checked immediately as they can cause friction and pressure on the gum tissues and bones.
- When not in use, cover dentures with water or a denture-cleaning solution to prevent them from drying out.
- Most dental insurance policies provide coverage for new dentures every 5 years.